Jejunal stricture from compression by fallopian tube associated with autoamputation of an ovarian cyst: An unusual cause of neonatal intestinal obstruction

C.R. Thambi dorai∗, K. Hazlina, T. Saktia, P.L. Cheah, S. Subapriya | JNPM 2012;

Abstract. A neonate presented with intestinal obstruction due to jejunal stricture associated with torsion and autoamputation of an ovarian cyst. The stricture had resulted from prolonged pressure on the bowel by fallopian tube acting as a band. Only 20 cases of neonatal intestinal obstruction as a complication of ovarian cysts have been described in the literature but none of them had the mechanism depicted in this patient. 

*Corresponding Author: 

C.R. Thambi dorai, Paediatric Surgery Unit, Department of Surgery, University Malaya Medical Centre, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel.: +60 126277507; Fax: +60 379586360; E-mail: