A survey evaluating practice pattern in management of obstetric hemorrhage

 BACKGROUND: Hemorrhage anticipation and management has shifted significantly over the past decade due to evolution of data surrounding management of obstetric hemorrhage. Limited data exists which describe the practical use and clinical application of hemorrhage management. Our goal was to identify obstetric hemorrhage management patterns in a cohort of practicing Maternal Fetal Medicine physicians. METHODS: We administered a survey to Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) fellows and faculty that addressed the management of hemorrhage including risk assessment, uterotonic use, antifibrinolytic use, cell saver use, and abnormal placentation management. An email was sent out regarding the survey to a listserv of all Maternal Fetal Medicine fellow program coordinators to disseminate to their faculty and fellows. Eighty responses were obtained. RESULTS:A total of 78 surveys were analyzed. Participants preferred methylergonovine as a first line agent (n = 57; 73%, n = 62; 80%). Most participants would consider using cell salvage when also activating MTP (28, 48%) or during scheduled deliveries who are high risk of hemorrhage (40, 69%). Approximately a third of providers would use TXA (tranexamic acid) prophylactically (n = 21; 28%). Only 26% of MFM fellows felt comfortable performing cesarean hysterectomy without Gynecologic Oncology. CONCLUSION: In comparison to prior reports, TXA use has increased substantially. Further, when looking at the management of abnormal placentation, the use of magnetic resonance imaging and embolization have both increased. Possibly due to the rise in centers of excellence for treatment of accreta spectrum disorders, Maternal Fetal Medicine fellows still feel largely unprepared to perform a cesarean hysterectomy without Gynecologic Oncology.

*Corresponding Author: 

Homa K. Ahmadzia, 2150 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20037, USA. Tel.: +1 202 741 3000; E-mail: hahmadzia@mfa.gwu.edu.