Genital injuries in neonates following breech presentation

Abstract. Breech presentation is seen in 3-4% of babies born. Delivering a breech baby through vaginal route is difficult and carries a much higher complication rate than cesarean sections. Breech born babies carry an overall increased risk of maternal morbidity, neonatal mortality, birth asphyxia and birth injuries. Various types of birth injuries to the babies have been reported following breech delivery, but genital injuries are less commonly reported and thus, less anticipated. We report series of five babies with spectrum of genital injuries following breech delivery. These injuries led to significant short and long term morbidity in these babies. Keeping high index of suspicion, an early cesarean section can be an aide in preventing these complications. Once the baby is born, careful examination and early intervention should be done to prevent long term complications.

*Corresponding Author: 

Dr. Prerna Batra, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University College of Medical sciences and Guru Tegh Bahadur Hospital, Dilshad Garden, Delhi-110095, India. Tel.: +91 9958672759;